Church Leadership Training

MBB-graduationThose who are not able to come for full time one year residential in CDC, we have now arranged a part time (6 month) training for Church Leader from various background. We have accommodation for maximum 15 students in one batch. The students do come for full 4 days training in CDC and then they go back to their own locations and practice their learning in the Church. This is our new vision. We started in Jan 2011 for the new believers. The feedback is very encouraging.

Project begins in 2011 for uplifting spiritual standard for the leaders in the rural churches. Until July 2014 total 83 students have completed the training from 6 different denominations. From August 2014 another bath with 16 students are taking this course from 4 different denominations.

The following subjects are covered during 6 months training course:

1. O.T. Survey 7. Church Administration
2. N.T. Survey 8. Basic Christianity
3. Life of Christ 9. Stewardship
4. Discipleship 10. Christian Leadership
5. Church & Salvation 11. Homiletics
6. Marriage & Family 12. Sunday School
13. Others Religion
  • Selection of the students are normally happens by the request of the Church Pastor and leaders and then we go through a selection process from CDC and select the candidates.



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